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One degree, two majors, 和 three 实习 later: Geiger furthers education in 雅典

From working in the heart of Washington, D.C., 在国会实习, to reporting business stories in the city of Denver – the wealth of experiences Matt Geiger gained through OHIO has granted him invaluable skills, 知识与个人成长.

他毕业于 双学位 经济学 政治科学 从 文理学院 last spring, opted to remain at the university he loves to pursue a 经济学研究生学位.

虽然他来自马里兰州, he is no stranger to Bobcat pride: Geiger’s parents met on the bricks of 雅典.

“I had grown up as a Bobcat,盖格说. “I never really felt like I had to move – it really just feels like moving from one home to another home.”

For much of his undergraduate career at OHIO, Geiger worked as the digital managing editor of The Post, 学生经营的新闻出版物. However, his passion for reporting started at a young age.

“When I was in high school, I had my own news website that I ran. That was my first experience with journalism, running my own little operation,” he recalled. Joining The Post during his freshman year only strengthened Geiger’s interest in journalism.

“The experience of just being in a newsroom 和 constantly talking with other people that are involved with news, that gave me a good enough exposure to feel comfortable being in another newsroom 和 starting my journey,盖格说.

The skills Geiger acquired through his studies 和 extracurricular experiences at OHIO helped him l和 three summer 实习, 每一个都不一样.

The first involved interning for a U.S. 国会代表. After that, Geiger worked as a business reporter for the American City Business Journal.

“Most of these 实习 are kind of just me thinking on my feet,他说. “It’s been intimidating, but it’s been really fun 和 exciting, 和 a journey that’s full of growth.”

His final internship was made possible through the Dow Jones 新闻 Fund, an internship program that places students in newsrooms across the country. Geiger had the opportunity to live 和 work in Denver, as a business reporter for BusinessDen. 

“I’ve travelled a lot 和 I’ve been fortunate enough to do a lot of really interesting 实习 thus far, which has been beneficial for my studies 和 life as a whole,盖格说. “我有很多兴趣, 我喜欢尝试新事物, so this was the best opportunity for me to do that.”

One of the most memorable stories that Geiger worked on explored the topic of supply chain shortages before it became a national issue. The story investigated problems at the Port of Los Angeles, one of the largest ports in the country.

“这是一个引人入胜的故事. I’m still pleased with how it turned out 和 illustrated the impending supply chain shortages that would happen in the fall,他说.

Geiger’s journey hasn’t been linear, which is what forms his approach toward his future. With a combined love for his college town 和 passion for learning – deciding to pursue a master’s degree at OHIO was an easy choice for Geiger, who graduated early 和 completed his bachelor’s degrees in only three years.

“I’d like to keep learning about a subject that I’m interested in," Geiger said. "The opportunity to do that while I’m still in 雅典 – that’s the best of both worlds.”

Geiger’s love for the community-oriented town of 雅典 is shared by many, as the city becomes a home for many students 和 alumni, 即使毕业后.

“Everything is so walkable; everything is so student-friendly," Geiger said. "The campus atmosphere is unbeatable. You cannot get 雅典 anywhere else.”

盖格去年春天毕业的时候, he put the word ‘maybe’ on his cap, to signify his outlook on taking risks 和 seeing where they take you.  He keeps this mindset as he looks ahead to the future 和 where his career will take him.

“I want whatever I work on to mesh with what I care about,盖格说. "The only goal I have is that whatever I do next is something that I enjoy, 和 that’s what I care about the most.”

Geiger’s journey has been incredibly rewarding, but he attributes his success to the hard work 和 perseverance that has paid off through his opportunities.

“Whatever challenges that you face in your time here can easily be overcome with the mindset that there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel,盖格说. “The key is that I’ve been persistent 和 that I’ve believed that things will become better in the long run. As long as you keep that mindset, then usually things will work in your favor.”
