


An audition is required for entrance to the major and for the minor in 表演与编舞. 试镜者将参加芭蕾舞的部分表演, 现代, 非洲或爵士技术课程,以及简短的即兴表演. You also need to meet the general university requirements for admission to bet8九州登录入口. 探索我们今年的试镜日期和开放日活动 在这里.


是的, the College of Fine arts offer talent-based scholarships for incoming students such as the 美术 Talent Award (FATA). If awarded the FATA, it is renewable for four years as long as the student maintains a 3.专业平均成绩0分,每学期注册15个学分. The audition for the 跳舞 major is also the audition for talent-based scholarships.

Funds for academically talented and creatively gifted students are offered by bet8九州登录入口 through a variety of scholarships. The Office of Student 金融援助 and 奖学金 also offers awards with special criteria. Your first-year admissions application serves as your application for most University scholarships. 有关资料可于以下网址查阅: http://www.OHIO.edu/financial-aid/types/scholarships

Can I participate in a music/dance/theater group if I’m not a major? 这些团体的试镜是什么时候?

是的! 我们鼓励所有学生参加舞蹈课程. 舞蹈学院提供非主要的现代舞工作室课程, 芭蕾舞, 爵士乐, 和非洲舞蹈形式, 瑜伽, 和普拉提. 我们也提供二级美术课程的舞蹈欣赏, 舞蹈的历史, 舞蹈文化, including 1700: The 跳舞 Experience; 2700: Languages of 跳舞; 2710: Black 跳舞 Forms; 3550: 跳舞 Cultures of the World; and 4711: 跳舞, 性别, 和性.

T在这里 are also two student-run dance organizations that are supported by the 舞蹈学院:

运动 is an organization for bet8九州登录入口 students interested in the performance and other presentations of dance and artistic collaborations involving movement. A primary aim of the organization is the promotion of dance as a thriving art in both the University and the 雅典 community. “运动,与舞蹈学院密切合作,使用一些设施, 设备, 分享一些目标. 它作为一个学生组织保持着自治权. “运动” presents concerts of student works and offers scholarships for summer study. John Bohuslawsky是该运动的顾问.

雅典黑人当代舞蹈(ABCD) is a dance organization that presents student choreography that celebrates Black dance forms, 主题与美学. 比如《bet8网页登录》,” it maintains autonomy as a student organization and uses resources within the 舞蹈学院 to help promote its goals.


你们的毕业率是多少? 我能在四年内毕业吗?

B.F.A. 和B.A. 在跳舞 are four-year degree programs, and most of our students complete their degree in four years. Graduation rates depend on student enrollment in the first year of college and compliance with advising recommendations. Students who pursue a dual major in another discipline may need to complete additional semesters.

你们单位有实习机会吗? 如果有,它们是如何排列的?

是的, many students in the 舞蹈学院 complete internships during their undergraduate career in order to gain professional experience. 实习可以获得学分. 我们的学生已经在贝茨舞蹈节完成了实习, 雅各布枕头舞蹈节, 玛莎葡萄园的院子, Ohio跳舞, 瑞士凯茜·夏普舞蹈团, 还有很多其他组织.

The 舞蹈学院 also offers an internship program through Factory Street Studio, 当地一家非盈利的舞蹈工作室. bet8九州登录入口 students gain hands-on learning in dance education by assisting teachers, 教自己的课, 或者帮助策划社区的舞蹈活动. This internship is available to all students who have successfully completed the 跳舞 Pedagogy course.

我可以在探访日作为观察员坐到下课吗? 如果有,我该如何安排呢?

Observing and/or participating in classes is readily possible with some advance notice. 开放日安排在11月和1月. Prospective students are encouraged to attend and participate in a modern technique classes on these days from 10:45-12:45.

High school students may also participate in 体验艺术日. Our faculty and students will be your hosts as you learn about our programs. 旁听一堂课, 获得老师对你非正式舞蹈试镜的反馈, 参加技术课程, 观看彩排, 参加舞蹈专业的试镜并获得才艺奖学金. Meet other artists, dancers, designers, musicians, and actors just like you.

All events are FREE and open to students, parents, teachers, and school counselors.

During 体验艺术日 you can see what students do during a typical day in each School in the 美术学院.


The 舞蹈学院 offers three minors: The Minor 在跳舞 表演与编舞 enhances students’ kinesthetic knowledge and performance presence, which can be applied in any career that requires physical skill and confidence. 通过舞蹈创作课程, 舞蹈的生产, 以及舞蹈历史/文化研究, the 跳舞 表演与编舞 minor also emphasizes the creative process, 懂得如何组织一场舞台音乐会, and how to understand dance in socio-cultural and historical contexts. Our graduates have applied these skills and concepts in fields as diverse as education, 出版, 新闻, 人类学, 沟通, 社会工作, 物理治疗, 代理, 广播, 还有更多.

The Minor in Somatic Studies considers the particular bodily kinesthetic knowledge that dancers develop in the course of their education. Students perform physical activities and analyze movement practices from a variety of somatic theory perspectives, learning about the body’s operations through both theory and practice. 在心理学辅修学位工作中学习, pre-physical疗法, 运动生理学, 娱乐疗法, 还有体育. Somatic Studies minors have also gone into the field of 跳舞/Movement Therapy.

The Minor 在跳舞 History and Theory focuses on the growing field of dance studies that uses a dance-based theoretical perspective and other movement practices to analyze dance in cultural contexts. This concentrated study helps prepare students with a specialized dance emphasis for employment or graduate study in dance studies, 艺术管理, 人种学跳舞, 新闻或评论, 在电影或录像中跳舞.

你的安置率是多少? 你的学生在哪里找工作?

Approximately 70% of our graduates continue in the field of dance and related arts. Career opportunities available to the dance graduate include preparation and/or studies leading to the following:

  • 音乐会、戏剧、录像、电影编舞;
  • 舞团或戏剧作品中的舞者;
  • 公司经理或艺术行政人员;
  • 现代儿童和成人的工作室教师, 芭蕾舞, 爵士乐, African technique; teaching in university programs, K-12;
  • 以身体为基础的治疗工作,如普拉提, Bartenieff基本面, massage therapy; Physical Therapy, 运动生理学;
  • 舞蹈动作治疗师;
  • 舞蹈评论家或与舞蹈相关的文化历史学家, Writing 在跳舞; and Preparation for Graduate Study 在跳舞.