



The 整骨推拿医学(脱石) Department integrates the principles and practice of osteopathic medicine throughout the continuum of medical education at the bet8九州登录入口传统骨科医学院, 从本科课程到临床轮转, 通过我们的住院医师项目在我们的临床校区, 通过认证医师的继续医学教育.


整骨推拿医学(脱石) is a complete system of medicine focusing on the musculoskeletal system.

All patients can benefit from Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) or from the manually guided forces of an osteopathic physician. The mission of OMT is to restore maximal pain-free movement by increasing motion in restricted areas of musculoskeletal function and to help with systemic medical problems. OMT works by improving physiological function or promoting homeostasis either after disease has set in or as a primary prevention method.




为下一步做好准备? Our graduate programs will further your education of osteopathic medicine principles as they apply to the clinical setting.










From the annual report to employment opportunities, you’ll find it all here.



5月17日星期五 蒸馏技术课程 上午8:30 -下午5:30 HCOM都柏林

5月18日星期六 蒸馏技术课程 上午8时至下午5时 HCOM都柏林

5月19日星期日 蒸馏技术课程 上午8时至下午12时 HCOM都柏林

  • 2024届毕业生简介:美洛公司

    米洛公司, 谁将和2024届毕业生一起毕业, 正是研究帮助他坚定了成为一名医生的愿望, 但启发他的是他的父亲. 在这个简介中,了解更多关于他在医学院的经历.

  • 包容性学者引起了对卫生公平问题的关注

    虽然在改善卫生公平方面取得了进展, 在许多方面还需要做更多的工作, 从医学教育到病人护理. That was a key message delivered by the bet8九州登录入口传统骨科医学院 包容 Scholars in a research presentation.

  • 俄亥俄骨科研讨会展示医学生的研究

    The effectiveness of augmented reality to help patients with Parkinson's disease walk normally, an examination of hospitals’ support of addiction treatment services and the use of growth hormone to heal wounds were the three research studies shared by bet8九州登录入口传统骨科医学院 dual degree students at the 2024 Ohio Osteopathic Symposium. 

  • 在研讨会的主旨演讲中. 艾米·阿克顿呼吁医生“保留空间”

    “不是所有的英雄都穿斗篷,” is one of the expressions that went viral during the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to recognize front line providers who worked tirelessly to care for the tidal wave of patients stricken by the disease. The phrase also became closely associated with former Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton, M.D.她成为该州抗击新冠肺炎努力的代言人. Some of those heroes were on hand during Acton’s keynote address at the Ohio Osteopathic Symposium recently held in Columbus

  • 2024届毕业生简介:卡玛拉·凯悦

    Class of 2024 graduate Kamara 凯悦 is headed to a family medicine residency at The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati. 在这个配置文件中, 凯悦, 在南佛罗里达长大的人, 解释了她妈妈是如何激励她上医学院的. 

  • 遗产学院2024届毕业生简介:Ashleigh Chiedo

    出生在移民家庭,有医疗背景, graduate Ashleigh Chiedo took on a leadership role in medical school that led her to create Public Day of Service,  an event which has been adopted by many colleges of osteopathic medicine across the country. 在这个配置文件中, she shares what led her to medical school and where she's headed next.

  • 2024届毕业生简介:查理·斯派塞

    查理·斯皮瑟(Charlie Spieser)在获得博士学位后对医学产生了兴趣.O. 八年级的时候. Learn more about his medical school experience in this profile as we celebrate the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the college and where they are headed after graduation. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:Jackson mittlestead

    Columbus native and Class of 2024 graduate Jackson Mittlesteadt shares a love for medicine and literature. Learn more about his journey to medical school in this profile as we celebrate the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the college and where they are headed after graduation. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:吉赛尔·皮查多

    We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the college and where they are headed after graduation. 移民到美国的吉赛尔·皮查多.S. 作为一个孩子,在这篇文章中很引人注目. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:丽贝卡·施梅尔

    We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the 传统骨科医学院 and where they are headed after graduation. 了解更多关于毕业生Rebecca Schmehl的信息. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:布鲁克·瑞格特

    这是传统骨科医学院的毕业生Brooke Rigot. We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the college and where they are headed after graduation. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:托丽·卡特赖特

    We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the 传统骨科医学院 and where they are headed after graduation. 了解更多关于毕业生Tori Cartwright的信息. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:汉娜·莱昂斯

    We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the 传统骨科医学院 and where they are headed after graduation. 了解更多关于毕业生汉娜·莱昂斯的信息. 

  • 2024届毕业生简介:约瑟夫·米勒

    We're celebrating the Class of 2024 by talking with some of our graduates about their time at the 传统骨科医学院 and where they are headed after graduation. 了解更多关于毕业生约瑟夫·米勒. 

  • 俄亥俄整骨疗法研讨会将医生聚集在一起

    The Ohio Osteopathic Symposium had another successful year as osteopathic physicians from across the state gathered in Columbus April 20 – 23 to learn more about critical issues in medicine, participate in continuing medical education activities and showcase the latest research developments.

  • 在颁奖典礼上表彰2023届优秀学生

    A crowded house at Temple-Blackburn 校友 Memorial Auditorium cheered on the achievements of the Class of 2023 during the Commencement Awards Ceremony. 学生们在领导能力、研究能力等方面得到了认可.

  • 文物馆获设计奖

    The bet8九州登录入口传统骨科医学院’s newest medical education facility, 遗产厅, was recently recognized with an Outstanding Project Award in the Spring 2023 issue of Learning by Design magazine. 

  • 教授:王少华,博士.D.

    Dr. Shaohua王, 医学微生物学助理教授, 是传统骨科医学院的新人吗, 七个月前加入这所大学. 我们花了些时间和她坐下来讨论她的研究, her time at the Heritage College and what initially drew her to microbial studies.

  • 当你在医学院产科实验室时,你会期待什么

    怀孕24周时, I participated in the Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy Lab with 传统骨科医学院 students. The second-year medical students eagerly waited in the large lab room filled with dozens of medical tables, while the other participants and I waited in the third-floor hallway of the new and impressive 遗产厅.

  • 教师焦点:卡洛琳·穆勒,博士.D.

    Now in her second year at the 传统骨科医学院, Caroline Mueller, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of medical anatomy based on the Dublin campus. We sat down with her to learn more about her role at the college, research and what brought her here.